Integration with Third Party Device
  • 22 May 2024
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Integration with Third Party Device

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Article summary

Integration via Wiegand

The access control terminal can be integrated with third-party devices via Wiegand.

To set it up, go to Device > Wiegand interface.

  • Wiegand Display Mode: Select the Wiegand card code format from the provided options.

  • Wiegand Card Reader Mode: The transmission format should be identical between the access control terminal and the third-party device. It is automatically configured.

  • Wiegand Transfer Mode:

    • Input: The device serves as a receiver.

    • Output: The device serves as a sender.

  • Wiegand Input Clear Time: When the interval of entering passwords exceeds the time. All entered passwords will be cleared.

  • Wiegand Input Data Order: Set the Wiegand input data sequence between Normal and Reversed. If you select Reversed, then the input card number will be reversed.

  • Wiegand Output Data Order: Determine the sequence of the card number.

    • Normal: The card number is displayed as received.

    • Reversed: The order of the card number is reversed.

  • Wiegand Output CRC Enable: It is enabled by default for Wiegand data inspection. Disabling it may lead to integration failure with third-party devices.


Click here to see detailed configuration steps.

Lift Control

The device can be connected to the Akuvox lift controller for the lift control. You can summon the lift to go down to the ground floor when you are granted access through various types of access methods.

To set up the lift control, go to Device > Lift Control interface.

  • Lift Control List: Select Akuvox for integration with the Akuvox lift controller.

  • Server IP: Enter the IP address of the Akuvox lift controller server.

  • Port: Enter the port of the Akuvox lift controller server.

  • User Name: Enter the user name of the lift controller for authentication.

  • Password: Enter the password of the lift controller for authentication.

  • Floor NO. Parameter: Enter the Floor number parameter provided by Akuvox.

  • URL To Trigger Specific Floor: Enter the URL for triggering a specific floor.

  • URL To Trigger All Floors: Enter the URL for triggering all floors.

  • URL To Close All Floors: Enter the URL used for closing all floors.

Integration via HTTP API

HTTP API is designed to achieve a network-based integration between the third-party device and the Akuvox intercom device.

To set it up, go to Setting > HTTP API interface.

  • HTTP API Enable: Enable or disable the HTTP API function for third-party integration. If the function is disabled, any request to initiate the integration will be denied and return HTTP 403 forbidden status.

  • Authorization Mode: Select among the following options: None, Allowlist, Basic, Digest, and Token for authorization type, which will be explained in detail in the following chart.

  • Username: Enter the user name when Basic or Digest authorization mode is selected. The default username is admin.

  • Password: Enter the password when Basic or Digest authorization mode is selected. The default password is admin.

  • 1st IP-5th IP: Enter the IP address of the third-party devices when the Allowlist authorization is selected for the integration.

Please refer to the following description for the Authentication mode:


Authorization Mode




No authentication is required for HTTP API as it is only used for demo testing.



If this mode is selected, you are only required to fill in the IP address of the third-party device for the authentication. The allowlist is suitable for operation in the LAN.



If this mode is selected, you are required to fill in the username and password for the authentication. In the Authorization field of the HTTP request header, use the Base64 encode method to encode of the username and password.



The password encryption method only supports MD5. MD5( Message-Digest Algorithm) In the Authorization field of HTTP request header: WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="HTTPAPI",qop="auth,auth-int",nonce="xx", opaque="xx".



This mode is used by Akuvox developers only.

Power Output Control

The device can serve as a power supply for the external relays.

To set it up, go to Access Control > Relay interface.

  • 12v Power Output Enabled:

    • Always: The device can provide continuous power to the third-party device.

    • Security Relay A: The device can work with the security relay.

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