Monitor and Image
  • 11 Dec 2023
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Monitor and Image

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Article summary

MJPEG and RTSP are the primary monitoring stream types discussed in this chapter. 

MJPEG, or Motion JPEG, is a video compression format that uses JPEG images for each video frame. Akuvox devices display live streams on the web interface and capture monitoring screenshots in MJPEG format. Settings related to MJPEG determine video quality and the on/off status of the live stream function.

RTSP stands for Real Time Streaming Protocol. It can be used to stream video and audio from the third-party cameras to the device. You can add a camera’s stream by adding its URL. The URL format of Akuvox devices is rtsp://Device’IP/live/ch00_0

ONVIF is an Open Network Video Interface Forum. It enables the device to scan and discover cameras or intercom devices with activated ONVIF functions. Live streams obtained through ONVIF are essentially in RTSP format.

RTSP Stream Monitoring

You can use RTSP to watch a live video stream from other intercom devices on the device.

RTSP Basic Setting

To configure it on the web Surveillance > RTSP > RTSP Basic.


Parameter Set-up:

  • RTSP Authorization: enable the RTSP authorization. If you enable the RTSP Authorization, you are required to enter RTSP Authentication Type, RTSP Username, and RTSP Password on the intercom device such as an indoor monitor for authorization.
  • Authentication Mode: select the RTSP authentication type between Basic and Digest. Basic is the default authentication type.

RTSP Stream Setting

The RTSP stream can use either H.264 or Mjpeg as the video codec. If you choose H.264, you can also adjust the video resolution, bitrate, and other settings.

Navigate to Surveillance > RTSP > RTSP Stream interface.


To configure the parameters for H.264 codec on the web Surveillance > RTSP > H.264 Video Parameters interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Video Resolution: select video resolutions among seven options: QCIF, QVGA, CIF, VGA, 4CIF, 720P, and 1080P. The default video resolution is that the video from the door phone might not be able to be shown on the indoor monitor if the resolution is set higher than 720P.
  • Video Framerate: 25fps is the video frame rate by default.
  • Video Bitrate: select video bitrate among six options: 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 512 kbps, 1024 kbps, 2048 kbps, and 4096 kbps according to your network environment. The default video bitrate is 2048 kbps.
  • 2nd Video Resolution: select the video resolution for the second video stream channel. While the default video solution is VGA.
  • 2nd Video Framerate: select the video framerate for the second video stream channel. 25fps is the default video frame rate for the second video stream channel.
  • 2nd Video Bitrate: select video bitrate among the six options for the second video stream channel. While the second video stream channel is 512 kbps by default.

MJPEG Image Capturing

You can take a monitoring image in Mjpeg format with the device. To do this, you need to turn on the Mjpeg function and choose the image quality.

Navigate to Surveillance > MJPEG interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Image Quality: select the quality for the image capturing among seven options: QCIF, QVGA, CIF, VGA, 4CIF, 720P, 1080P

After the MJPEG service is enabled, you can capture the image from the door phone using the following three types of URL format:

  • http:// device ip:8080/picture.cgi
  • http://deviceip:8080/picture.jpg
  • http://deviceip:8080/jpeg.cgi

For example, if you want to capture the JPG format image of a door phone with the IP address:, you can enter “” on the web browser.


You can access the real-time video from the device's camera using the Akuvox indoor monitor or other third-party devices like Network Video Recorder(NVR). Enabling and setting up the ONVIF function on the device will allow its video to be visible on other devices.

To configure on the web Surveillance > ONVIF > Basic Setting interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Discoverable: tick the check box to enable the Discoverable ONVIF mode. If you select Discoverable then the video from the door phone camera can be searched by other devices.
  • User Name: enter the user name. The user name is admin by default.
  • Password: enter the password. The password is **admin **by default.

After the setting is complete, you can enter the ONVIF URL on the third-party device to view the video stream.

For example: http://IP address:80/onvif/device_service

  • Fill in the specific IP address of the door phone in the URL.

Live Stream

There are two ways to check the real-time video from the device. One is to go to the device web interface and view the video there. The other is to enter the correct URL on the web browser and access the video directly.


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