- 02 Jan 2025
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Screen Display
- Updated on 02 Jan 2025
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Screen Display Setting on the Device
You can configure a variety of features of the screen display in terms of brightness, screen saver and font size, etc.
Set up screen display on the Settings > Display screen.
Brightness: Move the blue bar to adjust the screen brightness. The default brightness is 145.
Sleep Time: Set the sleep timing based on the screen saver (15 seconds to 30 minutes).
If the screen saver is enabled, the sleep time here is the screen saver start time. For example, if you set it as 1 minute, the screen saver will start automatically when the device has no operation for 1 minute.
If the screen saver is disabled, the sleep time here is the screen turn-off time. For example, if you set it as 1 minute, the screen will be turned off automatically when the device has no operation for 1 minute.
Screen Saver Time: The time for displaying the screensaver.
Screen Saver: Determine whether to display the screensaver when the device goes into sleep mode.
Screen Saver Type:
SDMC Pictures: Display pictures uploaded to the SDMC.
Local Pictures: Display pictures uploaded to the indoor monitor as the screen saver.
SDMC + Local Pictures: Display pictures uploaded to the SDMC or the indoor monitor as the screen saver.
Clock: Display the clock as the screen saver.
Screen Lock: Lock the screen after the screen is turned off(turn dark). You are required to enter the code to unlock the screen. The initial password is empty. Tap ✔ to unlock the screen.
Screen Clean: Allow users to wipe the screen clean without triggering unwanted changes in the settings.
Wallpaper: It is for local wallpaper selection.
You can also turn off the screen manually.
Screen Display Setting on the Web Interface
You can configure the screen display on the Device > Display Setting > Screen Saver Setting interface.
Screen Saver Type:
SDMC Pictures: Display pictures uploaded to the SDMC.
Local Pictures: Display pictures uploaded to the indoor monitor as the screen saver.
SDMC + Local Pictures: Display pictures uploaded to the SDMC or the indoor monitor as the screen saver.
Clock: Display the clock as the screen saver.
You can set the screen sleep time on the Device > Display Setting > Display Settings interface.
Sleep Time: If the screen saver is enabled, the sleep time is the screen saver's start time. For example, if you set it as 1 minute, the screen saver will start automatically when the device has no operation for 1 minute. If the screen saver is disabled, the screen will be turned off automatically when the device has no operation for 1 minute.
Upload Screen Saver
You can upload screen-saver images individually or in batches to the device via the web interface, enhancing visual experience or serving publicity purposes.
Set it up on the web Device > Display Setting > Screen Saver Setting interface.
You can click Delete to delete the existing files.
Screen Saver Pictures: Max size: 256K; Format:1024x600 jpg; File name can only contain digits, letters, and “_”.
The previous pictures with a specific ID order will be overwritten when the repetitive designation of pictures to the same ID order occurs.
Upload Wall Paper
You can customize your screen background picture on the device web to achieve the visual effect and experience for users.
Navigate to Device > Display Setting > Wallpaper interface.
Wallpaper: Max size: 256K; Format:1024x600 jpg; File name can only contain digits, letters, and “_”.
Upload Device Booting Image
You can upload the booting image to be displayed during the device’s booting process.
Navigate to Device > Display Setting > Boot Logo interface.
Boot Logo: Max size:100K; Format:1024*600 jpg; File name can only contain digits, letters, and “_”.
Home Screen Display
You can select the Default or Call List home screen display.
Go to Device > Display Setting > Theme interface.
Classic Home Screen:
Call List Home Screen:
Home Screen Tab Display
Akuvox indoor monitor allows you to customize icon display on the Home screen and More screen for the convenience of users' operation.
To set it up, navigate to Device > Display Setting interface.
Type: Select the functional icon to be displayed on the home screen(DND, Message, Contacts, Call, Settings, Arming, Lift, SOS, Sound, Display, Status, Unlock, Smart Living, Capture Log, Monitor, All Call, External Relay, Control4 Unlock).
Label: Name the icon. The DND icon cannot be renamed.
Type: Click to upload the icon picture. The maximum icon size is 100*100. The picture format can be JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
You can click Example to see the icon layout.
Configure the icons displayed on More Page Display on the same interface.
Unlock Tab Configuration
You can customize the unlock tab and select the relay type on the talking, monitor, and call preview screen for the door opening.
To set up the unlock tab on the talking screen, go to Device > Relay > SoftKey In Talking Page interface.
Status: With it enabled, the unlock tab will be displayed on the talking screen.
Display Name: Name the unlock tab.
Type: Select the relay trigger type according to the actual setup.
Scroll down to set up the unlock tab on the Call Preview screen.
Status: With it enabled, the unlock tab will be displayed on the call-preview screen.
Display Name: Name the unlock tab.
Type: Select the relay trigger type according to the actual setup.
Scroll down to set up unlock tabs on the home screen and more screens.
Status: It is enabled by default.
Display Name: Name the unlock tab.
Type: Select the relay trigger type according to the actual setup.
Scroll down to set up unlock tabs on the Monitor screen.
Status: With it enabled, the unlock tab will be displayed on the monitoring screen.
Display Name: Name the unlock tab.
Type: Select the relay trigger type according to the actual setup.
Please refer to the Access Control Configuration chapter for different unlock types setup.