Call Settings
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Call Settings

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Maximum Call Duration Setting

The door phone allows you to set up the call time duration in receiving the call from the calling device as the caller side might forget to hang up the intercom device. When the call time duration is reached, the door phone will terminate the call automatically.

To configure it, go to Intercom > Call Feature > Max Call Time interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Max Call Time: enter the call time duration according to your need (ranging from 2-30 min). The default call time duration is 5 min.

Maximum Dial Duration Setting

Maximum Dial Duration is the time limit for incoming- and/or outgoing calls on the door phone. If configured, the door phone will automatically terminate the call if no one answers the call within the preset time, whether it is incoming or outgoing.

To configure on the web Intercom > Call Feature > Max Dial Time interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Dial In Time: enter the dial-in time duration for your door phone (ranging from 30-120S) for example, if you set the dial-in time duration is 60 seconds in your door phone, then the door phone will hang up the incoming call automatically if the call is not answered by the door phone in 60 seconds. 60 seconds is the dial-in time duration by default.
  • Dial Out Time: enter the dial-in time duration for your door phone (ranging from 5-120S) for example, if you set the dial-out time duration is 60 seconds in your door phone, then the door phone will hang out the call it dialed out automatically if the call is not answered by the device being called.

Hang Up After Open Door

This feature automatically ends the call once the door is released, allowing for the seamless reception of subsequent calls.

To set the feature, go to Intercom > Call Feature > Hang Up After Open Door interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Type: select the open door type. The door can be unlocked via the DTMF, HTTP command, DTMF Or HTTP, and DTMF, HTTP or Input.
  • Timeout: set up from 1 second to 15 seconds. 5 seconds is the default. If you set it to 5 seconds, then the call will be hung up 5 seconds after the door is opened. If you want to disable the feature, set the timeout as 0.

Audio& Video Codec Configuration for SIP Calls

Audio Codec Configuration

The door phone supports three types of Codec (PCMU, PCMA, and G722) for encoding and decoding the audio data during the call session. Each type of Codec varies in terms of sound quality. You can select the specific codec with different bandwidths and sample rates flexibly according to the actual network environment.

To configure it, go to Account > Advanced > SIP Account.


Please refers to the bandwidth consumption and sample rate for the three codecs types below:

Codec TypeBandwidth ConsumptionSample Rate
PCMA64 kbit/s8kHZ
PCMU64 kbit/s8kHZ
G72264 kbit/s16kHZ

Video Codec Configuration

The door phone supports the H264 codec that provides better video quality at a much lower bit rate with different video quality and payload.

To configure it , go to Account > Advanced > Video Codec interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Name: check to select the H264 video codec format for the door phone video. It is enabled by default.
  • Resolution: select the code resolution for the video quality among five options: QCIF, CIF, VGA, 4CIF, and 720P according to your actual network environment. The default code resolution is VGA.
  • Bitrate: select the video stream bit rate (Ranging from 320-2048). The greater the bitrate, the data transmitted every second is the greater in amount therefore the video will be clearer. While the default code bitrate is 512 kbps.
  • Payload: select the payload type (ranging from 90-119) to configure the audio/video configuration file. The default payload is 104.

Video Codec Configuration for IP Direct Calls

You can select the IP call video quality by selecting the proper codec resolution according to the network condition.

To do so, you can go to Intercom > Call Feature > IP Video Parameters.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Video Resolution: select the code resolution for the video quality among four options: CIF, VGA, 4CIF, and 720P. The default code resolution is 720P.
  • Video Bitrate: Video Bitrate: select video bit-rate among six options: 128kbps, 256 kbps, 512 kbps, 1024 kbps, 2048 kbps, and "4096kbps"according to your network environment. The default video bit rate is 2048 kbps.
  • Video Payload: select the payload type (ranging from 90-119) to configure the audio/ video configuration file. The default payload is 104.

Configure DTMF Data Transmission

In order to achieve door access via DTMF code or some other applications, you are required to properly configure DTMF in order to establish a DTMF-based data transmission between the door phone and other intercom devices for third-party integration.

To configure it, go to Account > Advanced > DTMF interface.


Parameter Set-up:

  • Mode: select DTMF mode among six options: Inband, RFC2833, Info+Inband, Info, Info+Inband+RFC2833, and Info+RFC2833 based on the specific DTMF transmission type of the third-party device to be matched with as the party for receiving signal data.
  • How to Notify DTMF: select among four types: Disable, DTMF, DTMF-Relay, and Telephone-Event according to the specific type adopted by the third-party device. You are required to set it up only when the third-party device to be matched with adopts Info mode.
  • Payload: set the payload according to the specific data transmission payload agreed on between the sender and receiver during the data transmission.

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