- 22 Jan 2025
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Akuvox V7.1.0 SmartPlus Installer Guide - Community
- Updated on 22 Jan 2025
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Update Time: Jan.2025
About This Manual
This manual is intended for the installers who need to manage the community, building, apartment, residents, devices, remote maintenance service, and more on the Akuvox SmartPlus platform (Version: 7.1.0).
For more information, please visit http://www.akuvox.com/ or consult Akuvox technical support.
What’s New in SmartPlus 7.1.0:
- Support the video storage feature.
- Optimized third-party camera integration.
- Support resetting passwords and receiving notifications via Emails.
- Added a switch on controlling whether property managers should log into SmartPlus via two-factor authentication.
- Support selecting all projects when paying for service activation and renewal.
- Added options of ground floors and basement floors for setting up buildings and apartments.
- Support setting Akuvox analog handsets.
- Added a switch on controlling whether to generate a door log of visitor calling.
- Added a Remark option for adding users.
- Support setting up MD06/MD12.
- Added system notification.
System Overview
Akuvox SmartPlus is a cloud-based platform on which the installer can conduct integrated management of buildings, apartments, residents, devices, and relays for communities, as well as the remote maintenance service for all the devices deployed.
Installers using this platform will be able to:
- Add, edit, and delete the community, buildings, apartments, devices, and residents.
- Deploy and set up devices and relays for access control.
- Check and upgrade device firmware.
- Check and manage the MAC library.
- Conduct remote operations such as Auto-provisioning, device reboot, transmission type modification, and remote maintenance.
- Download the related technical manual and get access to the Akuvox ticket system for technical support.
- Subscribe and renew Akuvox SmartPlus.
- Manage sub-installer accounts
Log into SmartPlus
You can log in to the SmartPlus platform with the account obtained from your distributor.
- Open the web browser, enter the address (URL) of the SmartPlus server location in your area, and press Enter.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click on Login to log in to the SmartPlus platform.
You will see the Privacy Policy window when you log into the platform after the SmartPlus Cloud 7.0.0. update.
The Privacy Policy tells you how the user data is collected, used, and protected.
- When you click Agree, you will be guided to the Service Provider Information interface to fill in your information. The information will be displayed in the privacy policy for end users. It is not mandatory to fill out. Not filling it in will not affect your use of SmartPlus cloud services.
- When you click Disagree, you cannot log into the SmartPlus platform.
You can also click Privacy Policy on the left column to view the agreement again.
You can click on Log out in the upper right corner to log out of the SmartPlus platform.
Email Confirmation
You are required to enter an email address when you log into the SmartPlus platform after the SmartPlus Cloud Version 7.1.0 update.
The email address is used to reset your SmartPlus Cloud login password when you forget it and to receive notifications from Akuvox.
You can change the email address and turn off the notification push on the Setting > Notification interface.
Click here to view how to reset the SmartPlus login password using the email address.
Prior to the Management
It is advised that you go through what is listed below before starting management.
- Check if all of the device MAC addresses have already been registered by your distributor.
- Check if the firmware in your devices supports cloud mode with no connection to SDMC.
- Check if your device is powered on and is connected to the internet and make sure that the network is normal.
- Check and make sure that your resident information and device information are correct.
The functional column consisting of nine modules allows you to manage sites, users, devices, and account settings in an organized manner.
Module Description:
No. | Modules | Description |
1 | Dashboard | You can have quick access to create projects and property manager accounts and a quick view of devices and SmartPlus App account status. |
2 | Sites | Click to go into specific project management. |
3 | Users | You can add, edit, and delete property managers and sub-installer accounts. |
4 | Firmware | Check the available firmware versions and their information. |
5 | Upgrade | Upgrade the firmware version for a specific device. |
6 | MAC Library | Check the device MAC registered by your distributor. You can remove the desired MAC. |
7 | Subscriptions | This module contains the following three sub-modules:
8 | Third-party Devices | Display the Dormakaba Lock List where you can also add the lock and assign it to users, currently not available in office projects. |
9 | Setting | This module contains the following sub-modules:
System Notification
Akuvox will send you notifications of the SmartPlus Cloud update and any changes that happen to the expansion unit(MD06/12).
You can click the notification icon in the upper right corner to check the messages.
Or, click Notification Center on the left column.
Community Management
Create Community
A community must be created first on the dashboard before you can proceed to the other management involving devices, residents, etc.
1. You can click +Add Community Site on the dashboard for quick creation.
Or, you can click Sites on the left column and click +New.
2. Set up a community by filling in the related community information. See the item descriptions in the below chart.
If you select feature plan-Basic, the template must contain an indoor monitor MAC address.
Community Setting Description:
No. | Item Name | Description |
1 | Community Name | Enter the community name. |
2 | Community Address | Enter the community address (Street, City, Post Code, State/Province) based on which the indoor monitor can access local weather conditions. The temperature and weather conditions will be displayed on the device's home screen. Click here to see the models that support displaying weather conditions and detailed configuration. |
3 | Time Zone | Select the time zone of the community. |
4 | Date Format | Select the date format (Y/M/D; M/D/Y; D/M/Y). |
5 | Time Format | Select the time format of the community (12-hour/24-hour format). |
6 | Feature Plan | Select basic or premium features for the community. Click Read Instructions to view the plan differences. Basic: If you select feature plan-Basic, you are required to add at least one indoor monitor in every apartment you create. Property managers are not authorized to:
Premium: This plan does not require installers to set up any indoor monitor in all the apartments you created. And it authorizes the property managers to control all the above-mentioned items. |
7 | Landline Service | Switch on/off the landline service (communication between telephone/mobile phone and intercom devices). Landline service is a premium feature in the feature plan. |
3. Click Submit to finish creating the project or click Next to further set up the project. See the item descriptions in the below chart.
No. | Item Name | Description |
1 | Video Storage | When enabled, Akuvox devices can automatically record 10 seconds of video when opening doors, calling, and detecting motions. End users can also record videos with their SmartPlus Apps. Click here to view the detailed configuration of this feature. |
2 | Community Calls | Enable it if you allow residents in a community to call each other between SmartPlus apps and between indoor monitors and SmartPlus apps. Note: This feature will only be displayed when your distributor enables this function for you. |
3 | Permission of Access Control Management |
4 | Contact Display Mode | Select First Name, Last Name, or Last Name, First Name that determines the display order of user names on the device contact list. |
5 | PIN Access Mode | Select PIN Mode ( PIN for direct PIN code access, APT+PIN for apartment No.+ PIN code). |
6 | Charge Mode | Select either community property manager or installer to pay for the SmartPlus service (both account activation and renewal, it is paid by installer by default). |
7 | Send Expiration Email to End User/PM | When turned on, the SmartPlus service expiration notifications will be sent to the end user, property manager, and installer. The notification will be sent 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, and 15 days before the expiration. End User + PM:
Only PM:
Off: Only installers will receive the email. |
8 | Send Renew Email To End User | Switch on service renewal email notification to the residents if needed. |
9 | Akubela Smart Home | Turn it on for the users who installed smart home devices such as X933H and C319H indoor monitors for the home automation service. |
10 | Scan indoor monitor QR code to register app account | This function is used for the installer kit. It is enabled by default. Residents can scan the QR code on the indoor monitor C313W V3 to register SmartPlus App account. |
Edit/Delete Community
After a community is created, you can edit or delete the community. To easily find the desired community, you can click the icon next to the Name to reorder them.
1. Click on of the desired community to edit the information.
2. Click Delete on the bottom to remove the community.
Sub-Installer Account
When several persons are responsible for one project, you can create and log in to different sub-installer accounts of the same main account at the same time. The data shown are the same.
Add Sub-Installer Account
1. Click the Users module and click Sub Account.
2. Click New Sub Account on the right.
3. Enter the account's information. The SmartPlus portal login password will be sent to the email address.
Edit/Delete Sub-Installer Account
1. Click to edit the sub-account information and reset the password.
2. Click to delete the account.
User Management
You are required to go to the specific community for the management of the users by moving them into the specific building and apartment.
Add a Single Community User
After the community is created, you are required to add buildings to the community, then you can start adding the residents to the desired building.
1. Clickof the target community on the Sites module.
2. Click + Add Building to add a building.
- Enter the Building Name.
- Select the Ground Floor. If the ground floor is configured on the device and the device settings take precedence, choose Configure On the Device.
- Set the start floor. If the start floor is configured on the device and the device settings take precedence, choose Configure On the Device.
3. Select the desired building and click New on the right to add a resident.
4. Fill in the apartment and resident’s information.
Setting Description:
No. | Field Name | Description |
1 | Floor | Fill in the apartment's floor number. With this filled in, the elevator will take the residents to the exact floor they live on. The number ranges from -10 to 128 and includes G0, G1, and G2 which represent ground floors. Note: The following models with specific firmware versions or higher support selecting floors from -10 to 128, and G0 to G2.
2 | APT | Fill in the resident’s apartment number. Support entering number and "#", e.g. 2#123. Note: 1. DO NOT start the apartment number with #, e.g. #2#123, because door phones with APT#+PIN authorization mode enabled will fail to recognize the apartment number and PIN codes. This will lead to door-opening failure. 2. So far, only the following devices with specific firmware versions or higher support entering #.
3 | APT Name | Fill in the resident’s apartment name. |
4 | Web Relay ID | Enter the Web Relay Action ID number. You select the specific web relay action ID to carry out a specific action. Note: Web relay must be set up on the door phone’s web interface first. |
5 | Contact Preference | Select Group Call or Sequence Call.
6 | Call Type | Select your call type. |
7 | SIP Call or IP call | Select “All my devices were installed in the same place (villa or house)” for IP call if all of the user’s intercom devices are in the same LAN (Local Area Network). If not, select “Some of my devices were installed in the different place (villa or house)” for SIP call. |
8 | Device | Enter the indoor monitor MAC address, which is required for adding an apartment. Device selection is displayed only when you have selected Basic in the feature plan. |
9 | Arming Function | Enable the arming function so that the arming icon will be available on your SmartPlus app for arming and disarming. |
10 | Network Group | Select the network group. Devices in the same building need to be set up in the same network group. |
11 | Device Name | Name the device to distinguish it from others. |
12 | Relay1/2 | Fill in the relay name, which can be the device’s location. |
13 | First Name | Fill in the resident’s first name. |
14 | Last Name | Fill in the resident’s last name. |
15 | Fill in the resident’s email. | |
16 | Country/Region | Select the user's country or region code. |
17 | Mobile Number | Enter the resident’s mobile phone number. The area code will be displayed before the mobile number. |
18 | Landline 1/2/3 | Fill in the user’s landline numbers, e.g. mobile phone numbers or telephone numbers. Three landline numbers are supported. The area code will be displayed before the mobile number. |
19 | Accessible Floors | Set the accessible floors for the residents. The options range from -10 to 128 and include G0, G1, G2, and All Floors. |
20 | Remark | You can add remarks for users to indicate their identity, such as "tenant" or "resident." |
Add Community Residents Using a Template
The template can maximize your efficiency in the management of the resident especially when you are handling a large number of residents for a specific community.
- Download the template on the Sites module.
- Fill in the information in the template.
- Import the template to the community you selected.
Template Sample
Template Description:
No. | Settings | Description |
1 | Building | Fill in the building number or name. Note: Should not be more than 128 characters in length. |
2 | Accessible Floors | Set the accessible floors for the residents. The options range from -10 to 128 and include G0, G1, G2, and All(All Floors). Note: The following models with specific firmware versions or higher support selecting floors within this range.
3 | Apt | Fill in the apartment number. Support entering 1-6 digit integral number(s) and "#", e.g. 2#123. Note: 1. DO NOT start the apartment number with #, e.g. #2#123, because door phones with APT#+PIN authorization mode enabled will fail to recognize the apartment number and PIN codes. This will lead to door-opening failure. 2. So far, only the following devices with specific firmware versions or higher support entering #.
4 | Apt Name | Fill in the apartment name. |
5 | Device |
Multi-tenant door phone=0 Single-tenant door phone=1 Indoor Monitor=2 Guard Phone=3 Access Control=50
“Device name, Device type, Device MAC”. E.g. Gate2,0,0C11050B9814; Living Room,2,0C11050893C6 Note: Every two devices need to be separated by “;”. Note: Device MAC must be added first in the MAC library of the community to which you want to import the data. |
6 | First Name | Fill in the resident’s first name. Note: Should not be more than 64 bytes in length. |
7 | Last Name | Fill in the resident’s last name. Note: Should not be more than 64 bytes in length. |
8 | Fill in the resident’s Email. | |
9 | Mobile Number | Fill in the resident’s mobile phone number. |
10 | Telephone Calling Code | Fill in the resident’s country code. |
11 | Phone1/2/3 | Fill in the resident’s mobile phone number. |
12 | Call Type | Call Type Code:
For example, “Indoor monitors with SmartPlus as backup, finally phone=5” means the call will be received in sequential order, first by indoor monitor, then by SmartPlus app, and last by mobile phone. |
13 | Web Relay ID | Enter the We Relay Action ID number. You select the specific web relay action ID to carry out a specific action. Note: Web relay must be set up on the door phone’s web interface. |
14 | Analog Handset | Enter the analog handset's name and number. Separate multiple handsets with ";". The Akuvox analog handset is used with the door phone S532. Click here to view how it works with S532. |
Edit, Reset, and Delete Community Residents
Edit and Delete Apartment and Resident
You can edit and delete the resident and the resident's apartment.
- Navigate to the desired community by clicking
- Select the building and apartment of the resident. You can click Resident, Created Time, or the icon
next to them to reorder the residents.
- Do any of the following on the next page:
- Click
to edit the apartment and the resident's information.
- On the editing interface, click Delete APT on the bottom to delete the apartment.
Reset Apartment and Resident
The resetting feature is suitable for rental scenarios, you can empty the accounts after the tenants move out and create accounts for the new ones.
1. Navigate to the desired community by clicking , and click
of the desired apartment.
2. Click OK to confirm the reset.
Once you agree to reset, some information or data in this apartment will be removed while some not:
Data to be removed including:
- Family member accounts.
- Emails, mobile numbers, country/region, and landlines.
- Logs (audit logs excluded) and histories.
- Messages and alarms; and
- Accessing settings, including PIN, face data, NFC, Bluetooth, and QR Codes.
Data to be kept include:
- Subscription information of the family master account such as inactivation and expiration.
- The number of free sub-accounts.
- Audit logs.
- Settings include SIP Call Or IP Call, time zone, language, home automation, premium plan, and the With Indoor Monitor feature.
Other changes include:
- The user’s app changes to be unregistered and needs to be re-initialized.
- The user’s login credentials are reset, and the user is not going to receive the reset email.
Add/Edit/Delete Family Members for Resident
After you added the residents, you can start adding family member accounts for the SmartPlus app. Family member accounts can be edited and deleted afterward.
- You can create three free family member accounts for each master account.
- You will be prompted to pay the extra fee when creating a fourth or more family member accounts.
1. Click of the desired community.
2. Select your building and apartment, then click .
3. Scroll down and click New to create the family account. Click to edit the account, and click
to delete the account.
Search/Edit/Delete Resident at Community Level
You can manage all residents in the community without navigating to specific buildings or apartments.
1. Click of the desired community.
2. Click Community.
3. Search for the resident by their app status, resident's name, email address, and APT name.
4. Edit or reset the resident's account.
Device Management
You can manage the devices deployed in communities. For community devices, you are required to go to the specific community and specific building to manage the device.
Add Intercom Devices to Public Areas
You can add intercom devices to the public areas of the community. After adding the devices, property managers and end users can monitor the camera surroundings.
1. Click of the target community.
2. Click Public Area or desired buildings. For example, if you select Building A, it means the device is installed in the public area of Building A.
3. You can click +Add Building to create new buildings and right-click to change the building name or delete it.
4. Click Intercom Devices and click New on the right.
5. Fill in the device's information.
Regardless of what type of the device is, device type, MAC address, network group, and device name need to be set up. | ||
No. | Field Name | Description |
1 | Device Type | Select your device type. |
2 | MAC | Type in the device's MAC address. |
3 | Network Group | Select the network group. You can select the same network group as that of other devices if the devices are deployed in the same local network. (in this case, communicate via IP) Note: Do not select the same network group if the device is not deployed with other devices in the same local area network(in this case, communicate via SIP). Otherwise, it will lead to communication failure. |
4 | Device Name | Name the device to distinguish it from others. |
To add a door phone or an access control terminal, the following options should be additionally configured. | ||
1 | Allow users to monitor this device |
2 | Does the device have internet access? | This option appears only after the super manager enables Doorphone Offline Solution for your distributor.
3 | IP Address | When No is selected in Does the device have internet access, you need to enter the static IP address of the door phone so that its calls can be transferred. |
4 | Buildings | The option is only for the devices installed in the Community Public Area.
5 | Relay Name | Fill in the relay name, which can be the device location. |
6 | DTMF code | Enter the DTMF code for the door access. |
7 | Access Method | Select specific unlock methods to trigger the desired relay. For example, if you select PIN in Unlock type for Relay1 and select RF Card for Relay2 when users enter PIN codes on the door phone, only Relay1 will be triggered and vice versa. The following models with specific firmware versions or higher support this feature:
8 | Add Relay | You can add more relays if needed. |
9 | Add Security Relay | Add the security relay if the door phone is connected to an Akuvox SR01 security relay for the door unlock control. |
To add an indoor monitor, the following options should be additionally configured. | ||
1 | Arming Function | When enabled, the arming icon will be available on users' SmartPlus Apps for arming and disarming. |
2 | Relay | Turn on or off the device's built-in relay and name the relay. |
3 | External Relay | When the device is connected to an external relay, enable this option. Note: Please click herefor the detailed external relay configuration. |
4 | External Relay Type | Select the relay type between Akuvox-MK485-G2R-8J8C V3.0 and HF-8000. The former supports up to 8 relays and the latter up to 4. |
5 | External Relay Mode |
6 | IP Address | When Ethernet is selected as the external relay mode, enter the IP address. |
7 | Port | When Ethernet is selected as the external relay mode, enter the port. |
8 | Relay Name | Name the external relay to distinguish it from others. |
9 | Relay Function | Define the relay function according to the device connected to the relay. |
Add Intercom Devices to Residents' Apartments
After you create an apartment for a resident, you can add the resident’s private intercom devices.
1. Select the resident’s building and apartment.
2. Click of the desired resident.
3. Scroll to the Intercom Devices/Analog Handset section and click New on the right.
- The Akuvox analog handset is used with the door phone S532.
- Click here to view how it works with S532.
4. Enter the device's information.
Regardless of the type of device you are adding, device type, MAC address, network group, and device name need to be set up. | ||
No. | Field Name | Description |
1 | Device Type | Select your device type. |
2 | MAC | Type in the device's MAC address. |
3 | Network Group | Select the network group. You can select the same network group as that of other devices if the devices are deployed in the same local network. (in this case, communicate via IP) Note: Do not select the same network group if the device is not deployed with other devices in the same local area network(in this case, communicate via SIP). Otherwise, it will lead to communication failure. |
4 | Device Name | Name the device to distinguish it from others. |
To add a door phone or an access control terminal, the following options should be additionally configured. | ||
1 | Does the device have internet access? | This option appears only after the super manager enables Doorphone Offline Solution for your distributor.
2 | IP Address | When No is selected in Does the device have internet access, you need to enter the static IP address of the door phone so that its calls can be transferred. |
3 | Allow users to monitor this device |
4 | Allow User to Set Door Hold Open? | This option is only available when you are adding or editing users' private door phones. When it is enabled, users can set the door to open at a certain period on their SmartPlus Apps with SmartPlus master accounts. Click here to learn about the supported models and configuration details. |
5 | Relay Name | Fill in the relay name, which can be the device location. |
6 | DTMF Code | Enter the DTMF code for the door access. |
7 | Access Method | Select specific unlock methods to trigger the desired relay. For example, if you select PIN in Unlock type for Relay1 and select RF Card for Relay2 when users enter PIN codes on the door phone, only Relay1 will be triggered and vice versa. The following models with specific firmware versions or higher support this feature:
Note: If the SmartPlus Homepage or SmartPlus Talkingpage is not checked, the corresponding icons will not appear on the app home page. |
8 | Add Relay | You can add more relays if needed. |
9 | Add Security Relay | Add the security relay if the door phone is connected to an Akuvox SR01 security relay for the door unlock control. |
To add an indoor monitor, the following options should be additionally configured. | ||
1 | Works offline | When enabled, the device will transfer calls from offline door phones to the SmartPlus App. Note: This option will only appear after the super manager enables Doorphone Offline Solution for your distributor. |
2 | Arming Function | When enabled, the arming icon will be available on users' SmartPlus Apps for arming and disarming. |
3 | Relay | Turn on or off the device's built-in relay and name the relay. |
4 | External Relay | When the device is connected to an external relay, enable this option. Note: Please click here for the detailed external relay configuration. |
5 | External Relay Type | Select the relay type between Akuvox-MK485-G2R-8J8C V3.0 and HF-8000. The former supports up to 8 relays and the latter up to 4. |
6 | External Relay Mode |
7 | IP Address | When Ethernet is selected as the external relay mode, enter the IP address. |
8 | Port | When Ethernet is selected as the external relay mode, enter the port. |
9 | Relay Name | Name the external relay to distinguish it from others. |
10 | Relay Function | Define the relay function according to the device connected to the relay. |
Add Devices Using a Template
The template can maximize your efficiency in the management of the devices especially when you are handling a large number of devices for a specific community.
- Download the template on the Sites module.
- Fill in the information in the template.
- Click
of the community to which you want to import the template.
Template Sample
Template Description
No. | Settings | Description |
1 | Building | Fill in the building number or name. Note: Should not be more than 128 characters in length. |
2 | Accessible Floors | Set the accessible floors for the residents. The options range from -10 to 128 and include G0, G1, G2, and All(All Floors). Note: The following models with specific firmware versions or higher support selecting floors within this range.
3 | Apt | Fill in the apartment number. Support entering 1-6 digit integral number(s) and "#", e.g. 2#123. Note: 1. DO NOT start the apartment number with #, e.g. #2#123, because door phones with APT#+PIN authorization mode enabled will fail to recognize between apartment number and PIN codes. This will lead to door-opening failure. 2. So far, only the following devices with specific firmware versions or higher support entering #.
4 | Apt Name | Fill in the apartment name. |
5 | Device |
Multi-tenant door phone=0 Single-tenant door phone=1 Indoor Monitor=2 Guard Phone=3 Access Control=50
“Device name, Device type, Device MAC”. E.g: Gate2,0,0C11050B9814; Living Room,2,0C11050893C6 Note: Every two devices need to be separated by “;”. Note: Device MAC must be added first in the MAC library of the community to which you want to import the data. |
6 | First Name | Fill in the resident’s first name. Note: Should not be more than 64 characters in length. |
7 | Last Name | Fill in the resident’s last name. Note: Should not be more than 64 characters in length. |
8 | Fill in the resident’s Email. | |
9 | Mobile Number | Fill in the resident’s mobile phone number. |
10 | Telephone Calling Code | Fill in the resident’s country code. |
11 | Phone1/2/3 | Fill in the resident’s mobile phone number. |
12 | Call Type | Call Type Code:
E.g. “Indoor monitors with SmartPlus as backup, finally phone=5” means the call will be received in sequential order, first by indoor monitor, then SmartPlus app, and last by mobile phone. |
13 | Web Relay ID | Enter the We Relay Action ID number. You select the specific web relay action ID to carry out a specific action. Note: Web relay must be set up on the door phone’s web interface. |
14 | Analog Handset | Enter the analog handset's name and number. Separate multiple handsets with ";". The Akuvox analog handset is used with the door phone S532. Click here to view how it works with S532. |
Add Third-Party Devices
You can add third-party devices to public areas of the community or residents' apartments.
Add Third-Party Cameras
In Public Areas
By adding third-party cameras to the public areas, property managers and end users can monitor the camera surroundings. Also, you can link the camera to the door phone, allowing users to switch between the door phone and the third-party camera for monitoring.
1. Click Public Area or the desired building.
2. Click Third-Party Devices and Camera.
3. Click New on the right.
In Residents' Apartments
By adding third-party cameras, end users can monitor the camera surroundings. Also, you can link the camera to the door phone, allowing users to switch between the door phone and the third-party camera for monitoring.
1. Click of the desired resident.
2. Scroll to the Third Party Devices section and click New on the right.
3. Enter the device's information and click Submit.
No. | Field Name | Description |
1 | Device Name | Name the device to distinguish it from others. |
2 | RTSP Address | Type in the third-party RTSP URL in the Format: rtsp://ip:port or rtsp://domain:port. It is used to obtain the camera image. Note: RTSP URL formats may vary by third-party camera manufacturers. |
3 | User Name | Enter the authentication username provided by a third-party camera manufacturer. |
4 | Password | Enter the authentication password provided by a third-party camera manufacturer. |
5 | Allow users to monitor this device | Set whether users can view the monitoring stream through their indoor monitors and SmartPlus Apps. |
6 | Monitoring Terminal | If Yes is selected for the Allow users to monitor this device option, specify through which devices users can monitor. |
7 | Link Device | You can link third-party cameras with intercom devices such as an R29 door phone of the building. When linked, users can tap the door phone camera icon on the SmartPlus app, then switch between the door phone camera view or third-party camera view. And the third-party camera icon will not be displayed on the app. |
Add Third-party Locks
You can add Dormakaba and Salto locks to the SmartPlus Cloud, which allows users to unlock the locks conveniently on their SmartPlus Apps.
Please click the following articles to view how to add and assign third-party locks:
1. Click Integration on the left column.
2. Select the lock brand, Dormakaba or Salto.
3. Click User Guide to view the instructions.
You can also navigate to the place where the lock is installed and assign the lock.
In Public Areas
1. Click Public Area or the desired building.
2. Click Third-Party Devices and select the lock brand.
3. Click New on the right to assign the desired lock or click User Guide to view the instructions.
In Residents' Apartments
1. Click of the desired resident.
2. Scroll to the Third-Party Devices section and select the lock brand.
3. Click New on the right to assign the lock or click User Guide to view the instructions.
Edit/Delete the Device
You can edit and delete the device.
Edit Devices in Community Public Area
1. Click of the target community on the Sites module.
2. Click Public Area and select Intercom Devices or Third Party Devices. You can search the device by its MAC, Device Name, or SIP, and click the icon next to them to reorder them to conveniently find the desired device.
3. Click to modify the device's settings.
For Intercom Devices, if it is a multi-tenant door phone or a single-tenant door phone, the optionwill be available for re-selecting the residents and indoor monitors that can be displayed as contacts on the door phone's Contacts screen.
- E16 V2:
- R29 :
- X912: 912.30.11.49
- X915 V2: 2915.30.10.205
- X916: 916.30.10.212
- S532: 532.30.10.228
- S539: 539.30.10.219
Edit/Delete Device in Building Public Area
1. Click of the target community on the Sites module.
2. Select the target building and select Intercom Devices or Third Party Devices. You can search the device by its MAC, Device Name, or SIP, and click the icon to reorder devices for quick access.
3. Click to modify the device's settings.
For Intercom Devices, when it is a multi-tenant door phone or a single-tenant door phone, the optionwill be available for re-selecting the residents and indoor monitors that can be displayed as contacts on the door phone's Contacts screen.
- E16 V2:
- R29 :
- X912: 912.30.11.49
- X915 V2: 2915.30.10.205
- X916: 916.30.10.212
- S532: 532.30.10.228
- S539: 539.30.10.219
Remote Configuration and Maintenance
You can provide residents with remote maintenance in terms of device data transmission type configuration, device reboot, device web interface remote control and device provisioning, etc. for the device on the community, building, and public area levels.
1. Click on Community.
2. Click Intercom Devices, then .
3. Click Remote Control to access remotely the device's web settings.
4. Click Settings to set up the device further.
If the device model is R20K or R20B and connected to an expansion module(MD06/MD12), a Push Button Setting option will be available for you to set up the expansion module.
Click here to view the details of setting up the expansion unit.
5. Reboot or reset the device.
6. Enter the commands for the Auto-provisioning, then click on Submit.
7. Click One-Time Autop if you want the Autop command(s) to be implemented only once.
- The Auto-provisioning command can be exported out of the devices. For the device AutoP command, go to:
- Duplicate commands will not be retained.
Property Manager Account
As an installer, you can manage property manager accounts for communities.
Add Property Manager Account
After a community is set up, you can create a property manager account and assign it to a specific community. Moreover, you can set up a SmartPlus app designed for property managers.
1. Click Users on the left column and click New Property Manager on the right.
2. Fill in the property manager information and select the email language.
3. Enable or disable the Monthly Password Update Reminder and Email Two-Factor Authorization for Login.
- Monthly Password Update Reminder: If enabled, when property managers log into the SmartPlus Cloud platform, they will see a prompt every month reminding them to change their SmartPlus login passwords. This feature is used to enhance the security of property manager accounts.
- Email Two-Factor Authorization for Login: If enabled, when property managers log into the SmartPlus Cloud platform, they need to fill in a verification code for login.
4. Click of the community to which you want to assign the property manager. A window will be displayed for you to select the property manager and set up permissions for the property manager.
a. Click Edit, then select the property manager.
b. You can set up permissions for the property manager.
- Enable App to allow the property manager to use the SmartPlus App. You can also reset SmartPlus App login password.
- Click Setting and configure Delete Account Permission and Log Access Control.
With Delete Account Permission enabled, the property manager can delete resident accounts on the SmartPlus platform with a property manager account.
With Log Access Control enabled, the property manager can check door logs, call history, and captured images on the SmartPlus platform with a property manager account.
Edit/Delete Property Manager Account
You can edit and delete the property manager account if needed.
1. Go to the Users module and select Property Manager.
2. Click to edit the property manager account information and reset the password.
Firmware Management
You can check and update your device firmware version in the Firmware and Upgrade modules respectively.
Check Firmware List
Before upgrading your device firmware, you can go to the Firmware module to check the latest available for uploading.
Firmware List Description
No. | Field Name | Description |
1 | Version | Displays the firmware version number. |
2 | Model | Displays the device model. |
3 | Version Log | Generally displays remarks on the version. |
4 | Created Time | Displays when the firmware is uploaded. |
5 | Action | Click to check the detailed firmware information. |
Upgrade Firmware
You can upgrade the device firmware to the selected version according to the update timing defined.
1. Go to Upgrade Module.
2. Click on Add.
3. Select Single Family as the project type and choose the site.
4. Select the firmware version and the device to be upgraded.
5. Select the time to upgrade the device.
6. You can check Reset After Upgrade to reset the device's configuration after upgrading finishes.
Check and Edit the Firmware Upgrade List
After you update your device firmware, you can not only check your firmware update status but also edit the update setting for devices pending the upgrade. And you can delete the specific record as well.
- Search the firmware status by All, Pending, Processing, and Executed.
- Edit the update set for the devices pending the update.
- Delete the specific update record if needed.
Update List Description
No. | Field Name | Description |
1 | Version | Displays the firmware version number in the update list. |
2 | Device | Displays the device model in the update list. |
3 | Status | Displays update status: Pending for the firmware that will be updated according to the updating timing. Executed for the firmware that has finished updating, and Processing for the firmware that is being updated. |
4 | Update Time | Displays when the firmware is updated. |
5 | Created Time | Displays when the update setting is created. |
6 | Action | The action involves the update setting alteration and update record removal. |
You can pay the subscription fee for the service activation and renewal and the property manager SmartPlus app service.
Activate Service
- You need to be granted permission by your distributor to pay fees.
- You can create three free family member accounts for each master account.
- You will be prompted to pay the extra fee when creating a fourth or more family member accounts. You can also pay for the accounts in the Subscription module by selecting the service type as Additional App.
1. Click Subscriptions in the Subscriptions module.
2. Select Community as the Project Type.
3. Click Active .
4. Select the communities and the services.
- You can check Select All Projects to select all community projects with one click.
- You can click the icon
next to the APT or APT Name to reorder the list.
5. Then scroll down to click Next to pay for the service.
Billing Information Description
No. | Filed Name | Description |
1 | Company/Family | Fill in the distributor company. |
2 | ATTN | Fill in the name of the distributor. |
3 | Address | Fill in the address of the distributor. |
4 | TEL | Fill in the installer's telephone number. |
5 | Fax | Fill in the Fax number of the installer. |
6 | Fill in the mail of the distributor. |
Renew Service
1. Click Subscriptions in the Subscriptions module.
2. Select Community as the Project Type.
3. Click Renew .
4. Select the communities and the services.
- You can check Select All Projects to select all community projects with one click.
- You can also click the icon
next to the APT or APT Name to reorder the list.
5. You can choose to renew manually or automatically.
- Renew Manually:
Select Manual and the renewal period with a maximum of 5 years.
- Renew Automatically: Renewal occurs every 30 days and extends the account's upcoming expiration date by 30 days.
Select Auto Renew Monthly(30 days) and the Renew Times that decide how many months the renewal lasts.
6. Click Next and check the billing information and services to be renewed.
7. Select the payment method, enter the card number, and pay for the bill.
- Coupons are not supported for Auto Renew.
- After two consecutive failed charges, the automatic renewal will be deactivated, and you will be notified by email.
- The expiration email will not be sent to the property managers and end users when the Auto Renew service is activated for their apartments.
You can check the coupon information on the Setting > Coupon interface.
Automatic Payment Records
On the Subscriptions > Automatic Payment Record module, you can check the automatic payment records including Auto Renew settings, total prices, etc.
Transaction History
Payments module allows you to search, check, and delete the transaction history following the user account activation and renewal. You can also download the invoice if needed.
After the payment is made, you can check the details of the transaction for community users if needed.
1. Click Payments in the Subscriptions module, and check the transactions by the service type, status, and order number.
2. Click of the transaction to check and download the invoice.
3. Clickto delete transactions.
Search Description
Field Name | Description | |
1 | Order Number | Shows the order of each transaction. |
2 | Type | Shows the transaction types: Activation, Subscription, Additional app |
3 | The number of Apartments | Shows the number of apartments involved in one order. |
4 | Total Price | Shows the total cost of each transaction |
5 | Status | Seven types of status: All, Succeed, Processing, Failed, Time out, Cancel, System Processing.
6 | Created Time | Shows the time when the order is created |
7 | Action | Click on |
Log Control
You can set whether to generate a door log when visitors call residents but do not open the door. When enabled, property managers can check the door log on the SmartPlus platform and Apps.
Click Setting > Log Setting to set it up. It is enabled by default.
Customer Service
Customer service allows customers to contact you through the information you entered on the SmartPlus installer portal.
1. Click Setting and select Customer Service.
2. Enter or modify your phone number and email address.
3. Enable Receive Feedback if needed and end users' feedback will be sent to the email address that you fill in.
Set Account Access Permission
Technical Support&Service
Support&Service module offers you the link to the Akuvox ticket system in which you can not only get access to varieties of technical information such as feature guides, FAQ, etc. but also log into the system where you can raise your questions that will be taken care of by Akuvox technical support team.
View SmartPlus User Guide
- Click on Support&Service Module.
- Click on Knowledge Base sub-module.
- Click on Product Manual and then Cloud.
Ticket System
- Click on the Technical Support sub-module.
- Click on Go to Helpdesk to enter the Akuvox ticket system page.
- Sign up and log in to the Akuvox ticket system for technical information and support.
CAP System
- Click on CAP sub-module for information about how to become a certified Akuvox Partner.
- Sign up and log in to the Akuvox CAP system for sales and technical information and support.
Installer Account Management
You can change roles between single tenant and project manager, and change passwords, time zone, and billing information.
Change Installer Account Password
1. Click on your account name in the upper right corner.
2. Click on Change Password.
3. Change the password.
Change Time Zone
Click Setting > Time Zone and select the time zone.
Set Account Access Permission
You can grant permission to your distributor to log in to your account without a password. With permission, distributors can switch to your account from their web portal to give you support or assistance. The account Setting will be displayed in the drop-down list once the distributor enables the account access feature.
You can turn on or off the permission whenever you need.
1. Click Setting and select Account Setting.
2. Disable/enable the permissions.
Billing Information
You are required to fill in your billing information so that your distributor will be able to send you the bill according to the information you filled in.
Click Setting > Billing Information and enter the information.
Contact Us
For more information about the product, please visit us at www.akuvox.com or feel free to contact us by
Sales email: sales@akuvox.com
Technical support email: support@akuvox.com
Telephone: +86-592-2133061 ext.7694/8162
We highly appreciate your feedback about our products.