Akuvox V7.1.0 SmartPlus Installer Guide - Single tenant
  • 22 Jan 2025
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Akuvox V7.1.0 SmartPlus Installer Guide - Single tenant

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Article summary

C:\Users\WEI\Desktop\新建文件夹 (2)\Smartplus用户指南-Installer(1).jpgSmartplus用户指南-Installer(1)

Update Time: Jan. 2025

About This Manual

This manual is intended for installers who need to manage single-family houses, single-tenant residents, devices, remote maintenance services, and more on the Akuvox SmartPlus platform (Version 7.1.0).

For more information, please visit http://www.akuvox.com/ or consult Akuvox technical support.

What's New:

System Overview

Akuvox SmartPlus is a cloud-based platform on which the installer can conduct integrated management of residents, devices, relays, and remote maintenance services both on a single-tenant basis and a community basis (multi-tenant).

  • Installers using this platform will be able to:

  • Add, edit, and delete the devices and residents in the single-tenant management.

  • Add, edit, and delete the communities, buildings, apartments, devices, and residents in the multi-tenant management.

  • Deploy and set up devices and relays for access control.

  • Check and upgrade device firmware for the residents.

  • Check and manage the MAC library.

  • Conduct remote operations such as Auto-provisioning, device reboot, transmission type modification, and remote maintenance.

  • Download the related technical manual and get access to the Akuvox ticket system for technical support.

  • Subscribe and renew Akuvox SmartPlus.

Log into SmartPlus

You can log into the SmartPlus platform using the user account information obtained from your distributor.

  1. Open the web browser, enter the address (URL) of the SmartPlus server location in your area, and press Enter.

  2. Enter your username and password.

  3. Click on Login to log into the SmartPlus platform.


You need to enter a verification code for login when your distributor enables two-factor authentication for you.

You will see the Privacy Policy window when you log into the platform after the SmartPlus Cloud 7.0.0. update.

The Privacy Policy tells you how the user data is collected, used, and protected.

  • When you click Agree, you will be guided to the Service Provider Information interface to fill in your information. The information will be displayed in the privacy policy for end users. It is not mandatory to fill out. Not filling it in will not affect your use of SmartPlus services.

  • When you click Disagree, you cannot log into the SmartPlus platform.

You can also click Privacy Policy on the left column to view the agreement again.

You can click on Log out in the upper right corner to log out of the SmartPlus platform.

Email Confirmation

You are required to enter an email address when you log into the SmartPlus platform after the SmartPlus Cloud Version 7.1.0 update. 

The email address is used to reset your SmartPlus Cloud login password when you forget it and to receive notifications from Akuvox.

You can change the email address and turn off the notification push on the Setting > Notification interface.


Click here to view how to reset the SmartPlus login password via the email address.

Prior to the Management

You are advised to go through what is listed below before you start your management.

  • Check if all of the device MAC addresses have already been registered by your distributor.

  • Check if the firmware in your devices supports cloud mode with no connection to SDMC.

  • Check if your device is powered on and is connected to the internet and make sure that the network is normal.

  • Check and make sure that your resident information and device information are correct.


The functional column allows you to manage sites, users, devices, and account settings in an organized manner.

Module Description:






You can have quick access to create projects and property manager accounts and a quick view of devices and SmartPlus App account status.



Click to go into specific project management.



You can add, edit, and delete property managers and sub-installer accounts.



Check the available firmware versions and their information.



Upgrade the firmware version for a specific device.



You can create messages and send them to target users.


MAC Library

Check the device MAC registered by your distributor. You can remove the desired MAC.



This module contains the following three sub-modules:

  • Subscriptions: Activate or renew SmartPlus service for a specific project.

  • Payments: Check the payment records.

  • Automatic Payments: Check the automatic payment record, only available for Ucloud.



Display the third-party locks where you can also add the lock and assign it to users.



This module contains the following sub-modules:

  • Coupon Details: Check the normal, used, and expired coupon information.

  • Time Zone: Select the time zone.

  • Billing Information: Set up the billing information.

  • Customer Service: Leave your contact information by which customers can contact you.

  • Account Setting: Set whether your distributor can access your account and enable/disable the use of the SmartPlus Installer App account.

  • Single-Family Email Setting: Set whether to send renewal and expiration email notifications to end users.

System Notification

Akuvox will send you notifications of the SmartPlus Cloud update and any changes that happen to the expansion unit(MD06/12).

You can click the notification icon in the upper right corner to check the messages.

Or, click Notification Center on the left column.

Single-Family Sites Management

Add a User

1. You can create a single-family user account by clicking +Add Single-Family Site on the Dashboard.

Or, navigate to the Sites module and select Single-Family House. Then, click New on the right.

  1. Set up the account settings. See the description of each item in the below chart.


 Filed Name




Fill in the user name.


Room Name

Fill in the user’s house name provided by the user, or you can customize the room name eg. “Ryan’s Home



Fill in the user’s email address.



Select the user's country or region code.


Mobile Number

Fill in the user’s mobile phone number. The area code will be displayed before the mobile number.



Fill in the user’s address based on which the indoor monitor can access local weather conditions. The temperature and weather conditions will be displayed on the device's home screen. 

Click here to see the models that support displaying weather conditions and detailed configuration.


SIP Call Or IP Call

Select “All my devices were installed in the same place (villa or house)” for IP call if all of the user’s intercom devices are in the same LAN ( Local Area Network).

If not, select “Some of my devices were installed in a different place (villa or house)” for the SIP call.


Time Zone

Select the time zone for the user.



Select the language of the emails notifying the user of the account information. 

The following languages are supported:

English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Bosnian, Danish, Vietnamese, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Persian, and Azerbaijani.

10Time FormatSelect the time format for the user.


Landline 1/2/3

Fill in the user’s landline numbers, e.g. mobile phone numbers or telephone numbers. Three landline numbers are supported. The area code will be displayed before the landline number.


Premium Plan

Premium Plan includes landline service and third-party camera service.

Note: You should turn on the premium plan if you want to add a third-party camera. The Premium plan status and its expiration time are displayed on the User interface.


Landline Service

Switch on/off the landline service (communication between telephone/mobile phone and intercom devices).

3. Click Submit to finish creating the account or click Next to enable Video Storage and Akubela Smart Home features.

  • Video Storage: When enabled, Akuvox devices can automatically record 10 seconds of video when opening doors, calling, and detecting motions. End users can also record videos with their SmartPlus Apps.

  • Akubela Smart Home: If you turn this feature on, the Smart Home icon will be displayed on the Action column, and you can click the icon to redirect to the Smart Home web portal from the SmartPlus Cloud platform. Please note that it cannot be turned off once enabled.

When Video Storage is enabled, further set up the feature.

  • Video Storage Plan:

    • Get a 7-day Free Trial First: You can try this feature for 7 days for free.

    • Start Subscription Now(Include 7 Free Days): You can subscribe to this feature directly. It includes a 7-day trial. Click Subscribe on the right to pay for the fee.

  • Video Storage Time: 30 Days, 60 Days, and 90 Days are available. It is 30 days by default for the 7-day Free Trial Plan.

  • Number of Stored Devices: Choose the number of devices that record videos.

  • Device(s) for Video Storage: Select the specific models.

  • Video Recording with Audio During Calls: Decide whether to record videos with audio during calls.


  • Please note that once the video storage feature is turned off or expires, you cannot view the videos.

  • Click here to view the detailed configuration of the video storage feature.

Add a Family Member Account

After a user account is created and activated, you can create family accounts at the request of users.


  • You can create three free family member accounts for each master account.

  • You will be prompted to pay the extra fee when creating a fourth or more family member accounts.

1. Click of specific users for whom you want to add a family account.

2. Click New, and fill in the family member account information.

After creating the family member accounts, clickto modify the account's information and clickto delete the account.

Edit, Reset, and Delete User Accounts

When you are editing the user account information, you can not only search, edit, and delete the user account, but also reset the account password at the request of users.

  1. Search and find the user by Name, Email, Mobile Phone Number, Family SIP Number, or SIP number.

  2. Do any of the following:

  • Click to reset the user's account and click to modify the account's information.

  • Once reset, some data will be deleted while some will not.

  • Data to be removed including

  • Family member accounts.

  • Emails, mobile numbers, country/region, and landlines.

  • Logs(audit logs excluded) and histories.

  • Messages and alarms; and

  • Accessing settings, including PIN, face data, NFC, Bluetooth, and QR Codes.

  • Data to be kept including

  • Family master account status, such as inactivated, expired, and so on.

  • The number of free sub-accounts.

  • Audit logs.

  • Settings include Call Or IP Cal, time zone, language, home Automation, premium plan, and the With Indoor Monitor feature.

  • Other changes including

  • The user’s app changes to be unregistered and needs to be re-initialized.

  • The user’s login credentials are reset, and the user is not going to receive the reset email.

  • Scroll down the editing page, click on Delete to delete the user's account, and click on Reset Password to reset the account’s password. 


  • The user time zone will be synchronized with the installer time zone if the time zone is not selected.

  • It is free to create a new account in the family after resetting, while it charges after deleting. The resetting feature is suitable for rental scenarios, you can empty the accounts after the tenants move out and create accounts for the new ones.

  • You cannot edit the mobile phone number, email number, and area code of user accounts that have linked sites.

Device Management

Add Device for Users

After the user account is created, you can start adding the device(s) and third-party devices for the specific user. However, you need to make sure that all the devices have been added to your distributor’s MAC library.

Click on  of the user you want to add an intercom device or third-party camera for.

Add Intercom Devices

Click Intercom Devices and click New to add the device.

After adding the device, you can click to change the device's settings and click to delete the device.

Regardless of what type of the device is, device type, MAC address, and device name need to be set up.


Field Name



Device Type

Select the device type.



Type in the device's MAC address.


Device Name

Name the device to distinguish it from others.

To add a door phone or an access control terminal, the following options should be additionally configured.


Allow users to monitor this device

  • You can decide whether the resident can view the monitoring video with their SmartPlus Apps and indoor monitors. It is Yes by default.

  • If No is selected, the Monitor button on users' SmartPlus Apps will be hidden but users can still see the video during a call with an intercom device.


Does the device have internet access?

  • If the door phone is not connected to the Internet, select No so that calls can be transferred to the SmartPlus App through the indoor monitor.

  • If the device is connected to the Internet, select Yes and it can make calls normally.

Note: Click here to view the detailed configuration of the call transfer feature. 


IP Address

When No is selected in Does the device have internet access, you need to enter the static IP address of the door phone so that its calls can be transferred.


Relay Name

Fill in the relay name, which can be the device location.



Enter the DTMF code for the door access.


Access Method

Select specific unlock methods to trigger the desired relay. For example, if you select PIN in Unlock type for Relay1 and select RF Card for Relay2 when users enter PIN codes on the door phone, only Relay1 will be triggered and vice versa. 

The following models with specific firmware versions or higher support this feature:

  • S539: 539.30.10.118

  • S532: 532.30.10.117

  • X916916.30.10.216

  • X915 V1: 915.30.10.128

  • X915 V2: 2915.30.10.106

  • X912: 912.30.10.225

  • R29:

  • E16 V2:

  • E18:

  • R27:

  • R28:

  • R28 V2.0:

  • R20 V5.0: 320.30.10.125

  • A094:

Note: If SmartPlus Homepage or SmartPlus Talking page is not checked, the corresponding icons will not appear on the app home page. 


Add Relay

You can add more relays if needed.


Add Security Relay

Add the security relay if the door phone is connected to an Akuvox SR01 for the door unlock control.

To add an indoor monitor, the following options should be additionally configured.


Arming Function

When enabled, the arming icon will be available on users' SmartPlus Apps for arming and disarming.



Turn on or off the device's built-in relay and name the relay.


External Relay

When the device is connected to an external relay, enable this option.

Note: Please click here for the detailed external relay configuration.


External Relay Type

Select the relay type between Akuvox-MK485-G2R-8J8C V3.0 and HF-8000. The former supports up to 8 relays and the latter up to 4.


External Relay Mode

  • When Akuvox-MK485-G2R-8J8C V3.0 is selected, RS485, RS485+input(Non-Latching), and RS485+input(Latching) options are available.

  • When HF-8000 is selected, RS485 and Ethernet options are available.


IP Address

When Ethernet is selected as the external relay mode, enter the IP address.



When Ethernet is selected as the external relay mode, enter the port.


Relay Name

Name the external relay to distinguish it from others.


Relay Function

Define the relay function according to the device connected to the relay.

Add Third-Party Devices

Click Third-party Devices and select between Camera and Lock brands.

Add Third-party Cameras

Click New on the right to add a third-party camera and enter its information.


Click here to see the integrated camera brands and configuration steps.


Field Name




Display the owner of the camera.


Device Name

Name the device to distinguish it from others.


RTSP Address

Type in the third-party RTSP URL in the Format, e.g.,

rtsp://ip:port or rtsp://domain:port. It is used to obtain the camera image.

Note: RTSP URL formats may vary by third-party camera manufacturers.


User Name

Enter the authentication username provided by a third-party camera manufacturer.



Enter the authentication password provided by a third-party camera manufacturer.


Allow users to monitor this device

Set whether users can view the monitoring stream through their indoor monitors and SmartPlus Apps.


Monitoring Terminal

If Yes is selected for the Allow users to monitor this device option, specify through which devices users can monitor.


Link Device

You can link third-party cameras with intercom devices. When they are linked, you can tap the door phone camera icon on the SmartPlus app, then you can change between the door phone camera view or third-party camera view. And the third-party camera icon will not be displayed on the app.

Note: When linking the camera with door phones, make sure they are in the same local network (LAN).

Add Third-party Locks

You can add Dormakaba and Salto locks to the SmartPlus Cloud, which allows users to unlock the locks conveniently on their SmartPlus Apps.


Currently, ONLY SmartPlus Ucloud(American Cloud) supports the Dormakaba lock integration.

Please click the following articles to view how to add and assign third-party locks:

1. Click Integration on the left column.

2. Select the lock brand, Dormakaba or Salto.

3. Click User Guide to view the instructions.

Edit and Delete Users' Devices

After adding devices, you can manage them by clickingof the target user and selecting between Intercom Devices and Third-Party Devices.

Click to edit the device's settings and click to delete the device.

For third-party locks, you can assign them to the site by clicking New or view the instructions by clicking User Manual on the right.

Batch AutoP for Devices

You configure the intercom devices remotely via auto-provisioning. You have two options: Regular auto-provisioning or One Time auto-provisioning.

1. On the Sites module, clickof the target user and select Intercom Devices.

2. Click AutoP on the right. Select the AutoP type.

  • Regular AutoP: The configuration will always be valid.

  • One-Time AutoP: The configuration is only valid one time.

3. Enter the AutoP command(s).

4. Search and select the devices to be provisioned, then click Submit. You can synchronize the commands to 500 devices maximum at a time.


  • Duplicate commands will not be retained.

  • One-time AutoP commands will not be valid once you reset the device(s) either for factory reset or configuration reset.

Remote Configuration and Maintenance

You can provide residents with remote maintenance in terms of device data transmission type configuration, device reboot, device web interface remote control, device provisioning, etc.

  1. On the Sites module, click of the target user.

2. Click.

3. Click Remote Control to access remotely the device's web settings.

4. Click Settings to set up the device further.


  • If the device model is R20K or R20B and connected to an expansion module(MD06/MD12), a Push Button Setting option will be available for you to set up the expansion module.

  • Click here to view the details of setting up the expansion unit.

5. Reboot or reset the device.

6. Enter the commands for the Auto-provisioning, then click on Submit.

7. Click One-Time Autop if you want the Autop command(s) to be implemented only once.


Duplicate commands will not be retained.

Firmware Management

You can check and update your device firmware version in the Firmware module and Upgrade module respectively.

Check Firmware List

Before you start updating your device firmware, you can go to the Firmware module to check the latest firmware that is available for uploading.

Firmware List Description


Field Name




Displays the firmware version number.



Displays the device model.


Version Log

Generally displays remarks on the version.


Created Time

Displays when the firmware is uploaded.



Click to check the detailed firmware information.

Upgrade Firmware

You can upgrade the device firmware to the firmware version selected immediately or at a specific time.

1. On the Upgrade module, click New on the right.

2. Select Single Family as the project type.

3. Select the firmware version and the device to be upgraded.

4. Select the time to upgrade the device.

5. You can check Reset After Upgrade to reset the device's configuration after upgrading finishes.

Check/Edit Firmware Upgrade List

After you upgrade the device, you can check the device's upgrade status, modify the settings of devices in the pending status, and delete the specific upgrading record.

Check the upgrade records on the Upgrade module and you can search for a specific record by defining the status(All, Pending, Executed, and Processing), project type, site, and version.

Update List Description






Displays the firmware version number in the update list.



Displays the device model in the update list.



Displays update status: “Pending” for the firmware that will be updated according to the updating timing. “Executed” for the firmware that has finished updating, and “Processing” for the firmware that is being updated.


Update Time

Displays when the firmware is updated.


Created Time

Displays when the update setting is created.



The action involves altering the update setting and removing the update record.


After you initiate the specific firmware update, you refresh the interface to update the firmware list.


The message module allows you to send messages to the users (residents) for notifications regarding the device and firmware management, etc.

Create and Send Messages

  1. Click Message > New.

  1. Enter the message and select the receiver(s).

After creating and sending the messages, you can click to view the details and click to delete them.


You can pay the subscription fee for the service activation, service renewal, and property manager SmartPlus app service.

Activate Service


  • You need to be granted permission by your distributor to pay fees.

  • You can create three free family member accounts for each master account.

  • You will be prompted to pay the extra fee when creating a fourth or more family member accounts. You can also pay for the accounts in the Subscription module by selecting the service type as Additional App.

1. Select Subscriptions in the Subscription module.

2. Select Single Family as the Project Type.

3. Click Active. Then select the desired users.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the payment.


You can set up the Billing Information on the Settings > Billing Information interface.

Billing Information Description


Filed Name




Fill in the distributor company.



Fill in the name of the distributor.



Fill in the address of the distributor.



Fill in the telephone number of the installer.



Fill in the Fax number of the installer.



Fill in the mail of the distributor.

Renew Service

1. Select Subscriptions in the Subscription module.

2. Select Single Family as the Project Type.

3. Click Renew.

4. Select the desired end users.

5. Choose to renew manually or automatically.

  • Renew Manually:

Select Manual and the renewal period with a maximum of 5 years.

  • Renew Automatically: Renewal occurs every 30 days and extends the account's upcoming expiration date by 30 days. 


Auto Renew is ONLY available for some installer accounts of Ucloud.  If you want to use this feature, please contact the Akuvox tech team.

Select Auto Renew Monthly(30 days) and the Renew Times that decide how many months the renewal lasts.

6. Click Next and pay for the bill.


  • Coupons are not supported for Auto Renew.

  • After two consecutive failed charges, the automatic renewal will be deactivated, and you will be notified by email.

  • The expiration email will not be sent to the property managers and end users when the Auto Renew service is activated for their apartments.

Automatic Payment Records

On the Subscription module, you can check the automatic payment records including Auto Renew settings, total prices, etc.


You can check the coupon information on the Setting > Coupon Details interface.

Transaction History

The Payments sub-module allows you to search, check, and delete the transaction history following the user account activation and renewal. You can also download the invoice if needed.

Check and Delete Transaction History

After the payment is made, you can check the details of the transaction.

1. Select Payments in the Subscriptions module.

2. Select Single Family.

3. Search for the transactions by the service type, status, and order number.

4. Click of the transaction to check and download the invoice.

5. Clickto delete transactions.

Search Description


Field Name




Four types:

  1. All: for all of the above three types.

  2. Activation: transaction for the initial activation of the user account.

  3. Subscription: transaction for the renewal of the cloud service.

  4. Additional app: transaction for the SmartPlus app service.



Seven types of status: 

  1. Processing: for the order that is ready to be paid.

  2. Completed: for the order that is paid.

  3. Failed:  for the orders that failed.

  4. Time out: for the order that is not paid in time before

reaching the time out.

  1. All: for all of the above four types.

  2. Cancel: for the order that has been canceled.

  3. System Processing: the order is processed by the system after the payment is made.


Order Number

Shows the transaction order number.

Log Control

You can set whether to generate a door log when visitors call residents but do not open the door. When enabled, property managers can check the door log on the SmartPlus platform and Apps.

Click Setting > Log Setting to set it up. It is enabled by default.

Email Notifications

You can decide whether to send account expiration and service renewal notifications to end users.

Enable or disable email notifications on the Setting > Single-Family Email Setting interface.

Customer Service

Customer service allows customers to contact you through the information you entered on the SmartPlus installer portal.

1. Click Setting and select Customer Service.

2. Enter or modify your phone number and email address.

3. Enable Receive Feedback if needed and end users' feedback will be sent to the email address that you fill in.

Set Account Access Permission

You can grant permission to your distributor to log in to your account without a password. With permission, distributors can switch to your account from their web portal to give you support or assistance. The account setting option will be displayed in the drop-down list once the distributor enables the account access feature. You can turn on or off the permission whenever you need.

1. Click Setting and select Account Setting.

2. Disable/enable the permissions.

The account setting will only appear once your distributor enables the account access feature. By default, the Permission Granted feature is turned off.

Contact Us

For more information about the product, please visit us at www.akuvox.com or feel free to contact us by

Sales email: sales@akuvox.com

Technical support email: support@akuvox.com

Telephone: +86-592-2133061 ext.7694/8162

We highly appreciate your feedback about our products.

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