  • 23 Dec 2024
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Device Network Connection Setting

You can configure the default DHCP mode (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and static IP connection. Moreover, you can set up an IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS servers.

Check the network status on the Status > Info interface.

Set up the network on the Network > Basic interface.

  • Type:

    • DHCP: DHCP mode is the default network connection. If the DHCP mode is selected, the access control terminal will be assigned by the DHCP server with IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server address automatically.

    • Static IP: When static IP mode is selected, the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server address should be configured according to the network environment.

  • IP Address: Set up the IP address when the static IP mode is selected.

  • Subnet Mask: Set up the subnet mask according to the actual network environment.

  • Default Gateway: Set up the correct gateway according to the IP address.

  • Preferred/Alternate DNS Server: Set up the preferred or alternate Domain Name Server(DNS) server according to the actual network environment. The preferred DNS server is the primary server while the alternate DNS server is the secondary one for backup.

You can also set up the network on the Setting > Network screen.

Device Deployment in Network

To facilitate device control and management, configure Akuvox intercom devices with details such as location, operation mode, address, and extension numbers.

To set it up, go to the Network > Advanced > Connect Setting interface.

  • Server Mode:  It is automatically set up according to the actual device connection with a specific server in the network such as SDMC, Cloud, or None. None is the default factory setting indicating the device is not in any server type.

  • Discovery Mode:  When enabled, the device can be discovered by other devices in the network. When disabled, the device will be concealed and not be discovered by other devices.

  • Device Address:  Specify the device address by entering device location information from the left to the right: Community, Building, Unit, Floor, and Room in sequence.

  • Device Extension: The device extension number.

  • Device Location: The location in which the device is installed and used.

NAT Setting

Network Address Translation(NAT) lets devices on a private network use a single public IP address to access the internet or other public networks. NAT saves the limited public IP addresses, and hides the internal IP addresses and ports from the outside world. 

Enabled RPort on the Account > Basic > NAT interface.

To set it up, go to Account > Advanced > NAT interface.

  • UDP Keep Alive Messages: If enabled, the device will send the message to the SIP server which will recognize whether the device is online.

  • UDP Alive Messages Interval: Set the message-sending interval from 5-60 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

  • RPort Enabled: Enable the RPort when the SIP server is in a WAN.


Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP) is a protocol for managing IP network devices. It allows network administrators to monitor devices and receive alerts for attention-worthy conditions. SNMP provides variables describing system configuration, organized in hierarchies and described by Management Information Bases (MIBs).

To set it up, go to the Network > Advanced > SNMP interface.

  • Port: Set a specific port for the data transmission from 1024-65535.

  • Trusted IP: Enter the third-party IP address.

Device Web HTTP Setting

This function manages device website access. The device supports two remote access methods: HTTP and HTTPS (encryption).

Set it up on the Network > Advanced > Web Server interface.

  • Protocol: HTTP and HTTPS are enabled by default.

  • HTTP/HTTPS Port: Specify the web server port for accessing the device web interface via HTTP/HTTPS.

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