Screen Display
  • 18 Nov 2024
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Screen Display

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Article summary

You can set up the device's screen display features such as screensaver to give users a better visual and operational experience.

Home Screen Display

The device supports Villa, Building, and Multi-factor Authentication themes. You can apply the desired theme for different scenarios.

Select the theme on the Setting > Key/Display > Theme interface.



Villa Theme

You can configure the screen display for the layout of the Tenant icon, PIN icon, and Call icon on the home screen in Villa mode.

Set it up on the Setting > Key/Display > View Control of The Villa Theme interface.

  • Default Page: Select the homepage display type.

    • Home Page: The default display with three vertical round icons, Directory, PIN, and Call.

    • Call: Display the Dial screen as the homepage.

    • Directory: Display the Contact screen as the homepage.

    • PIN: Display the PIN screen as the homepage.


If you switch from Building mode to Villa mode and your previous home screen was set to Home Page, the three round icons for Tenants, PIN, and Call will be displayed. However, if your previous display type was Call, Tenants, or PIN, only the corresponding highlighted icons will appear at the top of the home screen instead of the three round icons for the Homepage.

  • Key: Select the key to be displayed from Directory, PIN, and Call.

  • Label: Name the key. The name will not change the attribute of the key.

  • Value: Display the key or not.

Speed Dial in Villa Theme

Speed dial is a feature that enables the creation of tabs or organized tab combinations to be displayed on the device's dial screen. By pressing these specific tabs, you can make swift calls without the need to enter any dial numbers.

Set it up on the Setting > Key/Display > Display Mode of Call Interface (Speed Dial) interface.




Display time and keypad.


Display all speed dail buttons set by the users.

1 Key

Display a single contract without the keypad.

1 Key + Keypad

Display a single dial button with the keypad.

2 Keys+ Keypad

Display up to 2 dial buttons with the keypad.

4 Keys+ Keypad

Display up to 4 dial buttons with the keypad.

8 Keys

Display up to 8 dial buttons without the keypad.

16 Keys

Display up to 16 dial buttons without the keypad.

64 Keys

Display up to 64 dial buttons without the keypad.

You can import and export speed dial numbers for quick setup.

Scroll to the Picture/File Import section.

Building Theme

You can set up the key display in the Building theme on the Setting > Key/Display > Key In Homepage Of The Building Theme interface.

  • Label: Name the key. The name will not change the attribute of the key.

  • Type: Select the key type.

  • Value: It is available for those features that need to be set up numbers, such as Speed Dial.

Multi-factor Authentication Theme

You can set up the key display in the Multi-factor Authentication theme on the Setting > Key/Display > Key In Homepage of Multi-factor Authentication Theme interface.

  • Label: Name the key. The name will not change the attribute of the key.

  • Type: Select the key type.

  • Value: It is available for those features that need to be set up numbers, such as Speed Dial.

Access Authentication Mode

The door phone allows dual authentication for door access, using a combination of any two methods: PIN, RF card, or facial recognition. When the mode is set up, users must open the door in the order of the chosen methods.

Set it up on the Setting > Key/Display > Access Authentication Mode interface.

  • Authentication Mode: Determine how to unlock the door using different methods. Please note that the order of the two-factor authentication matters.

    • Any Method: Allows all access methods.

    • Face + PIN: Scan the face first, then enter the PIN code.

    • Face + Card: Scan the face first, then swipe the RF card.

    • Card + PIN: Swipe the RF card first, then enter the PIN code.

  • Inactivity (Sec): Set the authentication timeout for the second authentication. For example, in Face+PIN authentication, if you set the authentication timeout as 10 seconds, then users have to enter the PIN code in 10 seconds after they go through the face recognition, otherwise, the screen will return to the home screen.

  • Blocked Duration (Sec): Set the block time for the first authentication. For example, if you set the number of attempts as 3, and users fail to pass the second authentication three times, then users will be temporarily blocked from the first authentication according to the block time.

  • Number of Attempts: The number of attempts users are allowed for the second authentication.

Speed Dial Setting in Building/Multi-factor Authentication Theme

The Speed Dial feature allows users to make speedy calls by pressing a specific tab without entering any numbers.

To set it up, go to the Setting > Key/Display > Speed Dial Setting interface.

  • Group:

    • Disabled:

      • When the device is connected to the Cloud, Disabled means the call will be made to other devices and the SmartPlus App based on where it is installed.

      • When the device is deployed locally, the call will be made to the number you fill in the value field of the Speed Dial(Reception) key.

    • [Cloud Group Name]: The call will be made to all contacts in the group. The Cloud group name is the APT name.

  • Dial Out Forward: When enabled, all calls will be made to the same target number when pressing the Reception button.

    • Mode: When Dial Out Forward is enabled, configure the schedule when the feature is working. You can also select Auto Disable and decide after how many hours, the feature will be turned off.

Speed Dial Action In Building/Multi-factor Authentication Theme

You can set up the reception tab in the Building or Multi-factor Authentication theme with which users can make a call and open the door.

Set it up on the Setting > Key/Display > Speed Dial Action In Multi-factor Authentication Theme interface.

  • Account: Select the account to make the call. It applies to the registered account. If both accounts are registered, Account1 is used when Default is selected.

  • Open Relay: Select the relay to be triggered along with the call.

  • Action to Execute: Set the action to be triggered with the call. When triggered, the HTTP message can be captured and displayed in the corresponding packets. To utilize this feature, enable the HTTP server and enter the message content in the designated box below.

    • HTTP URL: Enter the HTTP URL to perform certain actions. The format of sending the message is http://HTTP server’s IP/Message content.

Language Setting Of The Building/Multi-factor Authentication Theme

You can set up the language display in the Building or Multi-factor Authentication theme on the Setting > Key/Display > Language Setting of The Building/Multi-factor Authentication Theme interface.

  • Show: When disabled, the language options will be hidden on the home screen.

  • Language 1-4: You can select four languages to be displayed on the home screen.

Dial Key Order

The door phone provides two keypad key display options: Normal and disordered. Opting for the Disordered setting means that the arrangement of keys is randomized each time, enhancing security by preventing password spying.

Set it up on the Setting > Key/Display > Keypad Display Mode Of PIN Interface.

Text Prompt Display

You can set up the text prompts on the Call, PIN, and Directory screens.

Set them up on the Setting > Key/Display > Text Prompt screen. The text prompt is 63 characters maximum in length.

Screensaver Settings

You can set the screen saver duration as well as the timing for the screen to be turned off for both screen protection and power reduction.

On the Web

Set up screensaver on the web Device > LCD > Standby Interface Display interface.

  • Screensaver Mode:

    • None: The screen will stay on without going into screen-saver mode.

    • Blank: The screen will go dark.

    • Image: The picture uploaded will be shown as the screen saver.

  • Screensaver Time (Sec): Set the screen saver start time from 5 seconds up to 180 seconds. The screen saver starts when the device detects no operation, or no one is approaching.

  • Wake Up Screensaver Mode:

    • Video: Wake up the screen by video-based motion detection.

    • Radar: Wake up the screen by radar detection.

    • Video+Radar: Combine the video and radar detection to wake up the screen.

    • Manual: Touch and wake up the screen.

  • Deep Sleep Enabled: The screen will turn off after the screensaver reaches the end of the duration as predefined.

  • Deep Sleep Interval (Min): Set the screensaver time duration before the screen turns off.


Wake Up Screensaver Mode cannot be changed when the Screensaver Mode is set as Blank screen.

On the Device

You can also configure the screensaver on the Setting > Basic Settings> Lock Screen screen.

lock screen.png

unlock mode.png

Upload Screensaver

You can upload screen-saver images individually or in batches to the device via the web interface, enhancing visual experience or serving publicity purposes.

Set it up on the web Device > LCD > Upload Screensaver interface.

  • Use Video Screensaver: Check to upload videos as screensaver.

  • Status: If the video is uploaded, it will display the file name.

  • Upload: Max File Size: 100M, Format: .mp4/.avi/.3gp.


  • The pictures uploaded should be in JPG format with 2M pixels maximum.

  • The recommend resolution is 1080x1920.

  • The previous picture with a specific ID order will be overwritten when picture with the same ID is uploaded.

Upload Device Booting Image

You can upload the booting image to be displayed during the device’s booting process.

Set it up on the web Setting > Key/Display > Picture/File Import interface.


  • The pictures uploaded should be in .png or .zip format.

  • Max .zip file size: 20MB; Max picture size: 1MB; Max resolution: 800*1280.

Upload Device Contact List Background Image

You can customize the background display for the contact list. You can select the picture you like before uploading.

Set it up on the web Setting > Key/Display > Picture/File Import interface.


  • The pictures uploaded should be in .png format.

  • Max picture size: 1MB; Max resolution: 800*1280.

Upload Background of Dial Tips

You can upload the background displayed on the Dial screen’s time area in the Villa theme.

Set it up on the Setting > Key/Display > Picture/File Import interface.


Max picture Size: 1MB, Recommend Resolution: 800*400.

Open Door Text Prompt

You can enable the open door text prompt for both door-opening success and failure. And you can also make the door phone display the user information when users use credentials such as RF cards for access.

Set it up on the web Access Control > Relay > Open Door Text Prompt interface.

  • Open Door Outside Succeeded Text Prompt: Display a text prompt after the door is opened by the device-supported access methods except for the exit button.

  • Open Door Inside Succeeded Text Prompt: Display a text prompt after the door is opened by pressing an exit button(the input is triggered).

  • Open Door Failed Text Prompt: Display a text prompt after opening the door fails.

  • Display User Info: Display the user information after facial recognition. If facial recognition succeeds, the text prompt “Access Granted” with the user ID and name will pop up on the device screen. If it fails, the text prompt “Access Denied” with “Stranger, Name: Unknown” will be displayed.

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