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Tamper Alarm

The tamper alarm function prevents anyone from removing the devices without permission. It does this by setting off the tamper alarm and making calls to a designated location when the device detects a change in its gravity value from the original one.

Set it up on the System > Security > Tamper Alarm interface. Click Disarm to clear the alarm.

You can also set up the tamper alarm on the Setting > Security interface.

Motion Detection

Motion Detection is a feature that allows unattended video surveillance and automatic alarms. It detects any changes in the image captured by the camera, such as someone walking by or the lens being moved, and activates the system to perform the appropriate action.

Set up motion detection on the Surveillance > Motion interface.

  • Action To Execute: Set the desired actions that occur when suspicious movement is detected.

    • FTP: Send a screenshot to the preconfigured FTP server.

    • TFTP: Send a screenshot to the preconfigured TFTP server.

    • Email: Send a screenshot to the preconfigured Email address.

    • SIP Call: Call the preset number upon the trigger.

    • HTTP: When triggered, the HTTP message can be captured and displayed in the corresponding packets. To utilize this feature, enable the HTTP server  and enter the message content in the designated box below.

  • HTTP URL: Enter the HTTP message if selecting HTTP as the action to execute. The format is http://HTTP server’s IP/Message content.

  • Time Interval: If you set the default time interval as 10 sec, the motion detection period will be 10 seconds. Assuming that we set the time interval as 10,  and the first movement captured can be seen as the start point of the motion detection, and if the movement continues through 7 seconds of the 10 seconds interval, the alarm will be triggered at 7 seconds (the  first trigger point) and motion detection action can be triggered(sending out notification) anywhere between 7-10 seconds once the movement is detected. A 10-second interval is a complete cycle of motion detection before it starts another cycle of the same time interval. To be more specific, the first trigger point can be calculated as the Time interval minus three.

  • Detection Accuracy: The detection sensitivity. The default detection accuracy value is 2.

  • Execute Relay: If enabled, the relay will be triggered when the unusual motion is detected.

Scroll down and you can set the motion detection schedule.

Security Notification

A security notification informs users or security personnel of any breach or threat that the door phone detects. For example, if the door phone detects something unusual, the system sends a notification to users or security through email, phone call, or other methods.

To set up security notifications, go to Setting > Action interface.

Email Notification

Set up email notification to receive screenshots of unusual motion from the device.

Set it up in the Email Notification section.

  • SMTP Server Address: The SMTP server address of the sender.

  • SMTP User Name: The SMTP username is usually the same as the sender's email address.

  • SMTP Password: The password of the SMTP service is the same as the sender's email address.

FTP Notification setting

To get notifications through FTP server, you need to set up the FTP settings. The door phone will upload a screenshot to the specified FTP folder if it senses any unusual motion.

Set it up in the FTP Notification section.

  • FTP Server: Set the address (URL) of the FTP server.

  • FTP User Name: Enter the user name to access the FTP server.

  • FTP Password: Enter the password to access the FTP server.

  • FTP Path: Enter the folder name you created in the FTP server.

TFTP Notification Setting

To receive security notifications via TFTP server, you need to enter the TFTP server address. 

Set it up in the TFTP Notification section.


  • TFTP Server: Enter the address (URL) of the TFTP server.

SIP Call Notification

In addition to FTP and Email notification, the door phone can also make a SIP call when some feature action is triggered.

Set it up in the SIP Call Notification section.

Action URL

You can use the device to send specific HTTP URL commands to the HTTP server for certain actions. These actions will be triggered when the relay status, input status, PIN code, or RF card access changes.

Akuvox Action URL:



Parameter format



Make Call


Http://server ip/ Callnumber=$remote


Hang Up


Http://server ip/ Callnumber=$remote


Relay Triggered


Http://server ip/ relaytrigger=$relay1status


Relay Closed


Http://server ip/relayclose=$relay1status


Input Triggered


Http://server ip/inputtrigger=$input1status


Input Closed


Http://server ip/inputclose=$input1status


Valid Code Entered


Http://server ip/validcode=$code


Invalid Code Entered


Http://server ip/invalidcode=$code


Valid Card Entered


Http://server ip/validcard=$card_sn


Invalid Card Entered


Http://server ip/invalidcard=$card_sn


Tamper Alarm Triggered


http://server ip/tampertri=$alarmstatus


Valid Face Recognition



For example: mac=$mac:ip=$ip:model=$model:firmware=$firmware:card_sn=$card_sn

To set it up, go to the Setting > Action URL interface. You can set the username and password for authentication.

Voice Encryption

Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) is a protocol derived from the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). It enhances the security of data transmission by providing encryption, message authentication, integrity assurance, and replay protection.

Set it up on the web Account > Advanced > Encryption interface.

  • Voice Encryption(SRTP): Choose Disabled, Optional, or Compulsory for SRTP. If Optional or Compulsory is selected, the voice during the call is encrypted, and you can grab the RTP packet to view it.

User Agent

User agent is used for identification purpose when you are analyzing the SIP data packet.

To set it up, navigate to the Account > Advanced > User Agent interface.

  • User Agent: Akuvox is by default.

Real-Time Monitoring

When the device is connected to SmartPlus Cloud or ACMS, the door status can be displayed on the SmartPlus platform or ACMS.

To set it up, go to System > Security > Real-Time Monitor interface.

  • Apply Setting To:

    • None: Not display door status.

    • Input: the door is opened by triggering input.

    • Relay: the door is opened by triggering the relay.


Click here to see the detailed configuration steps.

Emergency Action

This feature works with Akuvox SmartPlus Cloud. It keeps the door open when an emergency happens. You need to specify the Input that applies the feature.

Click here to view the detailed configuration of this feature.

To set it up, go to System > Security > Emergency Action interface. Check the Input to be triggered.

Web Interface Automatic Log-out

You can set up the web interface's automatic log-out timing, requiring re-login by entering the user name and the passwords for security purposes or for the convenience of operation.

To set it up, go to System > Security > Session Time Out interface.

High Security Mode

High security mode is designed to enhance the security. It employs encryption across various facets, including the communication process, door opening commands, password storage methods, and more.

Enable it on the System > Security > High Security Mode interface.

Important Notes

1. The High Security mode is off by default when you upgrade the device from a version without the mode to one with it. But if you reset the device to its factory settings, the mode is on by default.

2. This mode makes the old version tools incompatible. You need to upgrade them to the following versions or higher to use them.

  • PC Manager:
  • IP Scanner:
  • Upgrade Tool:
  • SDMC:

3. The supported HTTP format for relay triggering varies depending on whether high secure mode is enabled or disabled.

If the mode is on, the device only accepts the new HTTP formats below for door opening.

  • http://username:password@deviceIP/fcgi/OpenDoor?action=OpenDoor&DoorNum=1
  • http://deviceIP/fcgi/OpenDoor?action=OpenDoor&DoorNum=1

If the mode is off, the device can use both the new formats above and the old format below:

  • http://deviceIP/fcgi/do?action=OpenDoor&UserName=username&Password=password&DoorNum=1

4. It is not allowed to import/export configuration files in tgz. format between a device with the high security mode and another one without it. For assistance with file transfer, please contact Akuvox technical support.

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